Friday, November 27, 2009

Cool People


Do you like your style? How did you choose what to wear?
"Yes I like my style. I think we all dress according to what appeals to us. We dress the way we want people to see us. I choose what to wear based on such sources like the media, friends, movies, fashion magazines and people's opinions. I think we are influenced by what we see in our everyday lives."

What do you think cool is and what does it mean to be cool?
"Well even though I do not subscribe to the idea of "cool" and don't use the term, if I had to define it, I would say that some who's cool knows what's going on, who's who, what clothes are in fashion, what books are to be read, what movies to be seen. People who are cool act with confidence. "

Do you think your cool? If so why and if not why not.
"I don't think I'm any cooler then anyone else. I don't always know what's what and there are are lots of things that I'm clueless about, though I may know things that other people don't know about and this is true with everyone. I think even the "cool" people have qualities that aren't so cool."

Would other people call you cool?
"I don't know how many people think I'm cool, though I have heard it."

Would you say your interpretation is a common one, or something that is not?
"I do think other people would defined "cool" the way I have"


What do you think it means to be cool?
"To have a likable personality. I think it's more personality wise than appearance wise"

Do you think your view is a dominant view?
"I'm not sure. I know most people find both to play a big part in the definition of cool. But it varies from person to person. Some people might value appearance over personality"

What do you think people do to to be cool?
"They would try to look "cool" dress-wise or they would try to do things and say things to try to catch others attention"

Do you find yourself doing these things to be seen as cool? Do you even care if your labeled as cool?
"Yea, I do. I care what others think but I try not not to let that rule the way i run my life. I don't want "trying to be cool" to be a big part of my life"


So I see you were picked for some other people's cool interviews too. How does it feel?
"I guess I'm flattered by it. This whole like idea of acceptance, that's all were looking for right? Thats why we all try to be cool. At least I think so."

Do you find yourself doing this? Trying to be accepted.

What do you think about this? That you try to be accepted. 
"I guess the sense of security, that you make connections with people and build trusting relations with friends, family, the people you look up to as well"

Do you think those relations are real? If everyone is trying to be cool is it all real, or just one big lie?
"I think it's a little but of both, I feel like we have all been friends with the people who don't really care about you as much as you would like them to and and we all have had relationships with people who genuinely are about you. I guess we can never really know for sure but thats when you decide to trust or distrust your own judgement."

Lastly, do you think your cool?
"Sometimes i do and sometimes I don't. I guess it depends on how I feel about the environment I am in. If I'm in a comfortable environment I have more confidence than if I am in an uncomfortable environment."

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