Thursday, November 19, 2009

first thoughts on cool

It took me a really really long time to actually think of someone who I think is cool. I usually do not go around saying "o this person is so cool", I guess I do more of picking out the uncool things. But anyway, after much thought I have finally thought of my cousin Kathy. She is the only one who I would give as an answer to who is cool. Now the definition of cool in the dictionary is "fashionable and attractive at the time; often skilled or socially adept". I also remember that in class Jakob said that we identify people as cool because we project our insecurities on to them. I totally agree with this and it plays a factor in why I think Kathy is a cool person. I grew up an only child and having her in my life in the recent year has felt very much like having a big sister and a huge role model. She was never really awkward with people and was great socially. She could walk into a store or any building and come out with at least 2 new friends not mentioning the other people she talked with. I always admired her for this because I am not really good with conversing with lots of people and usually let them do the talking. Another thing to her was is that she was also kind. Not only did she make a friend every where she went she also kept everyone in mind and helped people when she thought they needed it whether it was someone on the street or someone in her family. This persona of her caused her to quit her job and join the Peace Corp where she is currently in Honduras for 2 and a half years. All of this I consider cool and then there are the parts of her where I think she is a total weirdo but it actually just adds to her coolness.

While doing the web of cool Carrie and I had very similar views and ideas on what should be included (great minds think alike). Though she worded this better then I did and me not copying it down you are left with my interpretation or idea of the concept. Is being cool different then being independent? Often times when you think of someone who is cool they have the latest and newest stuff which is popular and thus making him cool. So in another way it can also be said is being cool just another way of conforming? The example I thought of this was the book Stargirl. The book featured a typical school where they were everything was normal and cool was what it was at the certain time. But then one girl changes everything. Stargirl comes in and everyone thinks she is so weird cause her style is so different then what they have seen and her style is to be different, to not be held down by the set laws of what is acceptable or cool. Then towards the end of the book Stargirl was considered cool and everyone wanted to be like her and they even changed their styles to try and fit her version of cool. But in my opinion does that make her actually cool or just trying to fit in. She was different and independent but then she was just original while others took her style to make themselves cool. They conformed to her and her independence could not be called being independent or different since everyone had developed her style. So once your different is it actually just a way to seem cool or is it because they are actually different? In Stargirls case it was that she was actually different. But today there are many people who change themselves just to fit that persona of being cool and often not trying to be cool is revered as being cool.

Then I was thinking about what was cool and what is cool. What happens to all the things that were cool or all the people that were cool? Are they uncool when the new version of cool is spotted and broad casted? Being cool is only a temporary fad which always changes with the new hype and new generations. But there will always be the people who change themselves like I mentioned above. But one thing that bothers me is what happens to the people that change? How does changing into the cool effect them as people? Our society or social groups put alot on being cool and many kids and even grownups have been pulled into the frenzy of trying to be cool.

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