Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Interview and Survey Questions

Interview Questions:
1. How often do you fight with your friends in a week?
2. What things do you do to stop the fighting? What do you do to prevent fighting?
3. How many times do you feel happy with your friends? What are you usually doing to be happy?
4. What do you do when you feel the mood turn negative in a friendship?
5. What advice would you give to someone who cant get out of a negative relationship?


How often do you fight with your friends in a week?
At least once a week I would say

What things do you do to stop the fighting? What do you do to prevent fighting?
Well depending on who it is, I would take on different approaches. If it's someone that I care about, and that I would like to be on a good note with, I would confront them about the issue that caused for the fighting. However, if it's a friend who would lean more towards acquaintance, I would just avoid them, or ignore them.

How many times do you feel happy with your friends? What are you usually doing to be happy?
I would say 50-50. Half the time I would feel happy being around people, and the other half, I would want to just go home and not have to deal with them. But out of the times that I'm actually happy being with my friends is when we just hang around, talking, and sharing our thoughts. This tend to involve three or less people. But there are also times where I'm happy with a bunch of people; it seems that that's only possible when handball is present.

What do you do when you feel the mood turn negative in a friendship?
Usually I would go down with the mood of the group. But i guess what I do, physically is walk away. Just trying to get away from everyone

What advice would you give to someone who cant get out of a negative relationship?


How often do you fight with your friends in a week?
Not at all

What things do you do to stop the fighting? What do you do to prevent fighting?
I don't see a need in violence, so if there is a conflict we can talk it out, understanding both sides

How many times do you feel happy with your friends? What are you usually doing to be happy?
I feel happy most of the time, unless something unexpected comes up. And we are having fun, just talking or doing something together

What do you do when you feel the mood turn negative in a friendship?
Try to resolve it, or when its out of my hands, i wait or find new friends

What advice would you give to someone who cant get out of a negative relationship?
Well if they really wanted to still be in that relationship, then I'd tell them to wait and try to convince that person, but honestly if they were in a negative relationship I'd tell them to move on.


How often do you fight with your friends in a week?
well arguments usually zero but I'd say 1 time per week i get upset

What things do you do to stop the fighting? What do you do to prevent fighting?
i try to stay optimistic and just get pass it without blowing things up . usually the tension slowly fades if it's a real problem though, i try to talk to the person

How many times do you feel happy with your friends? What are you usually doing to be happy?
well i can't really count happy moments. I'd say I'm usually happy with them 80 percent of the time. conversations, jokes, sharing stories, volleyball, eating

What do you do when you feel the mood turn negative in a friendship?
well i usually get upset too but the little stuff that gets me mad usually doesn't outweigh the friendship so i usually turn around and forgive them secretly and start having fun with them again

What advice would you give to someone who cant get out of a negative relationship?
either talk it through or get out of it. if they stick with it, it's only going to tear them down

Looking back on the last question, what advice would you give to someone who cant get out of a negative relationship, for the most part people's answer's was to fine new friends because it would not be worth it to yourself to stay in a relationship which drags you down. I feel like this would be the worst case scenario for my research topic, that if I find no good ways to increase positive feelings and only end up struggling with mostly negative and some positive that it would be in that persons best interest to leave the friendship. So I guess for my topic I would want to save it before it would get to that point.

Survey Question:
When one of my friends is down, it effects the whole group mood but also my own.

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