Monday, May 3, 2010

Initial theories of human relationships

I would like to start off with a comment that Vincent made in class. We had been talking about families and relationships between members. Then we were getting into the definition of what friendship means and what are friends. He made a very interesting comment where he said friends are a replacement family. I fully agree. Family in a way are people you have to live your life with, whether or not you actually like them or not. But with friends we have the ability to choose who we want to be our friends. And usually friends and people we get close with we consider out second family. They are picked to be replacements of certain family members we feel could be better or in some cases completely to escape our families at home. I find it interesting that as I grew up, it was mostly just my mother and I. It was the two of us doing everything together, yet when I got into school and started making friends, i didn't just have one or two close friends but I had semi fairly big groups. In some ways it seems I was making up for some lost company since at home, we didn't have a big family. Though at times I often find myself wanting alone time cause big groups can be tiring and I'm more comfortable with being alone.

Relationships, its hard to explain since it different for each individual. But I agree with those in class who said that most of the time we make friends because it fits our own agenda. And in certain cases if two people's agendas coincide, then they turn out to be good friends but as often as the case is, if the agendas go against each other then much tension will be surrounding them and they would probably not make the choice to be friends. Humans for the most part are very social creatures. We crave and want attention, we long for affirmation and the most important thing is we want to be belong to someone, we want to be apart of something (like a family, friendships) and in this way we can better define ourselves if we have a backing in our lives.
But even then certain lets say personalities are more dominant then others and usually you find them at the head of a group with many smaller followers. This way the group "leader" gets attention and the followers can feel accepted. Its not so hard to look around either on the street or in school or on the train and could identify those attention seekers. They stand in the middle of the crowd and their actions and words are screaming, "come look at me". In my opinion, these people lower their value as they try to present themselves to the world.

Love. I dont think there is no set definition of love. But I also feel that there are many types of love. People create relationships to try and get closer to having this feeling. To be loved and to love someone else. But I feel like with emotions like this, there is room for manipulation between partners. Love and hate are emotions that cloud people's judgments. We turn blind and cant think about reason. But I feel like in the world today, these types of emotions dont exist at least at this level. Too many kids and people throw the term around. It doesn't hold any significance.

Sometimes in life I get so fed up with people. Just too many times people have let me down and they expect that things can go on as before. Friends. We have to figure out how many chances they get, how many lies are enough, how many bad times there are where the good ones dont out shine them, etc. Friends are hard to manage. Especially if in there somewhere people are different answers to what friends are and their agendas. But that can be said with any of the people we interact with in our daily life. I always found it so amazing that, my cousin could go any where in the city and come back with tons of new friends. While most often the majority come back with the same amount as they had started. It has to do with her character and the vibes she sends out. I think on some level of our minds most people are empathetic and pick up on things like that and is why they are so open to her. Though it can also be how we see the world. I can walk anywhere in the city and I can come back frustrated and annoyed at how people act.
There could also have something to do with social rank. I noticed that most grownups think they are more valued and that since Im younger I have to show them respect. I could be walking down the street and if me and someone else are about to hit into each other, then they expect me to move. I mean at least some of them try to get out of the way but others just keep walking and expect you to move, like they are some kind of GOD who think the deserve for people to get out of their way. Then if you happen to be dodging them and still hit into them, they get all annoyed and will talk back to you.

People are hypocrites. They always hold expectations in their heads for other people yet when the roles are reversed those same rules don't apply to them.

For the amount of drama and feelings in relationships we have, why do people decide to put up with them just to have a few moments of happiness?
Can people truly connect with each other or are we all just alone in the world?

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