Sunday, September 13, 2009

Digital World

Every ones life is directly linked with the digital world, whether we admit it or not. In my personal view we are too connected to it. This has caused us to be unable to let it go. I can say that I would not give it up that easily but I know there is a time and place for everything. During the summer I went to Yosemite national park and it was beautiful. There is hiking, swimming and many other amazing things to do. I went with my family who lives in California and I usually only see them once a year so I was really excited to be spending time with them. The only problem was that Nichole (my cousin) who is one year older then me did not really want to be there. So for the whole time that we were there she was texting her friends 24/7. Being in the park and being close to nature I do not really see the need for technology. So i was a little sad while she was texting cause she was missing out on all the spectacular things that were there.

People are so immersed in the digital world that they can not live with out it. I think people let technology rule their life and during a black out they go all crazy cause they are not used to being without their digital counterparts. In this day and age you can not really go out and not see technology. I think that technology is a false realm where to many people steal themselves. They go around with their eyes on their keyboards and ears to phones that they let everything pass them by. I remember when I was little everyone had the game boy color. Then after a while they came out with all these new game stations and for my part I only had the game boy for most of my life. While everyone had the x-box, play station, game cube and the many other versions of game boy. I always remember thinking how cool it was that everyone else had those systems but for the most part growing p with out all those systems made me more active, instead of staying inside and playing video games I was outside and played in the sun. Then finally like 10 years later I got the wii. The wii is fun because I feel like it is more active then regular video games. It keeps you moving. Though to tell the truth I do not use it as much as i expected.


  1. I agree that technology has taken away our interest to pursue nature. I also find myself texting like your cousin Nichole even during fun events. I'll keep in mind next time to not let my phone distract me the next time I'm at an outing or spending time with my friends.

  2. I appreciat the fact that you talk about why people are using digitalization to much and they need to be more active.

    When you said "I can say that I would not give it up that easily but I know there is a time and place for everything." I felt that it was real honest and truthful to say that digitalization is in your life alot alot but it ain't that much in your life to wear you are using it at the wrong time at the wrong place. It was a thorough way of saying how you felt about.

    "I think people let technology rule their life and during a black out they go all crazy cause they are not used to being without their digital counterparts."

    Im laughing because it so true. people use their computers, video games, Televisions so much in there life that if something bad like a black out was to happen I really do believe that people would go crazy. Just like if you dont have food or water for a certain period of time then you would go crazy because you are so use to having it. So I definitly agree to that statement. Also because I MYSELF would go crazy if I didn't have those things.

    I seen your Facebook pictures and I can see that you do like to go to the beach and relax with your friends. So I can see how when you said "instead of staying inside and playing video games I was outside and played in the sun." it shows how you don't keep your self locked in the house using digital counterparts as you would say.

    Your tone in this response the use of digitalization is one that is unique. I say this because in one part it looks like you really are hooked on digitalizing but then it switches to a tone where it seems like your thinking in your head like "Why are these people digitalizing so much?". Its a cool tone that someone else won't really catch on to (unless I am bugging out and I don't what I am talking about).

    Me and your cousin are similar in some ways. I'm sorry but I have to say it. I text 24/7. There is something about texting that keeps you so hooked on. It's like a personal need like we discussed in class. But I'm not with your cousin when she does it with visiting family that you don't see in a while.

    But overall, nice post kate !!!

  3. Thank you Charles. I myself did not even realize the fact that my tone sort of switches from pro digitalization to against it. I'm glad you agree with me on some of my points because I didn't know if I was actually the one rambling on and on about something. I do wonder if you agree that you should be more active because you like playing video games, though I know you like playing basketball which is being active. So I guess its good if you have a balance in your life.

  4. Kate,
    I really enjoyed reading your post, however you seem to be a little hypocritical. You say that people are so immersed in technology that they do not have time to enjoy the outside world, however i think if i was to take your iPod away from you, you would be lost. I always see you with your ipod, and if i was to take that away from you then you would be lost, is that not true?

    I can connect to your cousin however, because even when i am outside i will be on my phone, or when i am at the dinner table, i will be on my phone. As you like to tell me everyday, my phone is attached to my hip. however i consider it more of a security blanket then a inconvenience. Having my phone with me, i know that i can always say connected to people, however far away they are from me. Although i try to stay away from texting when i am with my family, on some occasions i will take my phone out and text. this is because as much as i like to see my family, i have to admit at times they are boring and i would much rather be talking to my friends.

    One point that you might care to think about though is how technology brings people together also. Technology is not always bad, it can also bring people closer, or hep people reconnect with their old buddies. For example, facebook is one way that people who have not seen or spoke to friends from their middle school can connect back with them, and see how they are doing. If we did not have facebook to reconnect with old friends, we would probably never speak to them again, true?

    I like your point in the last paragraph though about how people are always trying to improve technology. There is always something better then the current phenomenon, and people always want the next best thing, however expensive it is.

    I really enjoyed reading your post, and i look forward to reading more of your posts!


  5. Rachel, thank you for reading my blog. I agree that I may be lost without my Ipod but I feel that I would soon get over it. I listen to my ipod only to escape from the world, to drive out all the noises but if you were to take it away then I would cope with it. I would learn to appreciate my surroundings. I bet that would be harder for you. Now that you had your phone taken from you, you might be a little lost though it seems you do not care as much because of the fact you know where the phone is and can easily get it any time. But if it were lost or stolen and you had to live without it for an extended period of time then you would not know what to do with yourself.

    I agree that having a phone is great because it connects you with people that are not in your company. I also enjoy texting with my friends. I can see where your coming from but I feel that all that texting is fake conversations. There is no real depth behind them.

    The only reason I got a facebook was to keep in touch with the people I had met in a program st Washington D.C. My friends had one and I could not see the point of one. But then as the time came to leave everyone that had a facebook joined a group so that we could still chat with each other. So I decided to create one but in truth I hardly ever talk to any of them but it is still nice to see what they are up to.

    Thank you for taking your time to comment on my post. I will also post a comment on your own.
