Wednesday, September 30, 2009

comments on videos

hey charles,

I love how you saw that it was weird for you to see yourself in third person. I never really thought about it. But I guess it would be weird for someone to see themselves in third person but in truth we get used to that view because when we look in mirrors or look at pictures of us and our friends thats all a distorted view of ourselves.

I feel like your correct in saying that you do not want your kids to be eating and on the phone and on the computer all at the same time. But I wonder when they ask you how you interacted with technology and you tell them things you do not allow them to do,how will you respond. And if you do not let them because you know its bad for them,then why do you continuously do the same thing? 

I feel like your video was very realistic and that it was not staged at all. Looking at this I can see how you are in your daily life and how you interact with technology.

Hey yu-xi,

I'm sorry my computer is not showing the video, it kind of runs slow, so forgive me if I say something and its actually in your video.

Ok, so I liked your video, though I do have to say I would like to see more of you and what ever you were doing, being on the computer. I feel like we can relate more to you if we can see you interacting more with the technology. Though I do agree its weird to see ourselves on video. It makes it seem like we have to do our best because people will be watching it and that when we watch it we think back and say, do I really look like that or think up things we could have done better.

I love how you express your feelings about the uploading process. In truth I also had the hardest time trying to upload it and then get it onto blogger. it must have taken me hours to actually achieve my goal. I did not really picture my self as connecting with the middle age but i can see where your coming from and all I have to say is aww. We are what? like 17 years old and our generation is suppose dot be able to work well with technology but here we are two kids unable to do a simple upload.

Something else that was new to me was what you stated about your child/ sibling. Most people had the avreage (cant come up with the word) response of " I am not going to allow my kids to use to much technology, I would rather them be outside then sitting in all day". But you stated something which I totally agree with. You state " But I wouldn't take it away completely either because its also practical to learn how to use it". I guess we are so concerned that they will get addicted to technology that we forgot that in our culture we will actually need technology and that it is a big part of our society, so much so many people can not escape from it. So I do agree that while we restrict them from being on it 24/7 we also have to responsibility to teach them how to use it. I also think that while we teach them the good things we need to explain that it should not be the focus of their lives because there are so many other great things to be doing.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Video Project

Untitled from Katie D'Auria on Vimeo.

Some thoughts on watching the video I had was that even though I am immersed in watching tv I kind of still keep it real with my cats nearby. Every time I am watching TV or am on the computer my cats come and keep me company and walk all over me trying to get my attention to them instead of the technology I use. It works more when I am watching TV cause when I'm on my computer I can not really be bothered with my cats. 

 And yet it still fills weird that the video represents my life. The thing is that I hardly find myself sitting and reading or drawing. Now I just sit and watch tv and am on my computer. I would like to think that technology has not taken over my life to much but before I knew it, I couldn't be bothered with any thing else. 

Though I admire the Wii because even though it is a video game you get to interact so that you are not just sitting on your but and are like a zombie watching the screen. The Wii you are active and your moving around. If I had a son I would let them play with a Wii instead of the x box or psp. I would also try to get more of his life outside doing other things then watching tv and being on the computer and I think in order to do this, the parents have some of the responsibility to also be out and about so your not being a hypocrite. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

digital exploration with other people

My mom:

"Things are changing to fast. It was not long ago that we didnt need any of the technology today and it has become such a huge part of our life. Some things are nice to have like ipods but even then a new one comes out every minute and everyone needs to have the newest one. There is always something to add to the technology now to make it better. The parts of my life that are not digital are when I work in the garden and am digging in the ground and teaching children about the environment. I think that when I had my office job I used technology more. But I think that my personal time has gotten more involved with technology, before it was just work."
"Which do you think is better, working and using technology to make a living, where it is more acceptable or using technology to occupy yourself when you have nothing to do?" "I think that I use it more in personal life because I do not have a job. So I have to use those things in my personal time. Becomes one of those things that are a necessity. Technology is good and useful but you do not need to go out every time there is an update to it.


During class we ventured out into the street to ask strangers what they thought about the digital world. The first guy who we talked to was walking his dog and listening to his ipod. When asked how many hours he spends listening to his ipod, he replied "50% of time I'm listening to music, I match my mood to my music". Though he does not know if technology is a bad thing. But he does acknowledge that the world revolves around technology and that it is "beyond anyones control". Society today makes it hard for someone not to live with out a piece of technology. The rest of the people interviewed gave the same responses that had little thought put into their answers. Technology is a good thing and for the better part of their day they are on their phones and computers. When asked most said they could go a day without technology but I bet have not even tried. Its easy to say that they will do something but not follow through with it. There was one women who we interviewed and she said that technology shows great improvement and there are a lot of positive effects. Though at the same time she was saying how it was bad for us. That "people have become too lazy" and everyone is "moving to technology", following the flow of teh digital world. She said that "she does not hate it but needs it". Most of the time peoples jobs bring technology into our lives. And people are unable to work with out it. She said she would limit her son from using to much technology "because he could be outside spending time doing other things, though he often sees me on the computer and wants to go on too".


Gio like many other people believe that technology is a good thing and is helping the world. Technology helps with medical advancements. Like most people she uses technology for the better part of her day, texting, calling and IMing people. She also thinks that her use of technology all day is a good and bad thing. Though she does watch movies and TV with her family she goes out on walks on nice days. She argues that technology has led to obesity because instead of going out people want to stay in and play video but it also helps families come together to watch movies and stuff. This I can argue is a sort of fake togetherness. Even though they are enjoying an activity together the attention is not on each other but instead of the large screen that is in front of them.  When asked what she would do when she has a child, she said she would restrict his/ her child from using technology only when it involves school.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

hw 4- comments

It seems that you use technology to distract yourself from the real world by listening to your music, watching tv and playing video games. I agree that most people use it in the same way. Like when you said "It is way more easier to text a girl that I like them, rather than telling them in person (just using an example saves you the fearfulness of the reactions of the person and the nervousness". Your scared of the reaction so you choose to do it through texting because the pain would be less then getting rejected face to face.

You stating that technology is a good and bad thing is great. You give proof to both and your even in the middle with your own opinion. I do have to say that you could have added a little on trying to persuade people to liking technology. I feel that if you gave a very strong argument then more people would be more open minded to it then just thinking its bad and destroying peoples lives. One thing I would say is try to work on your grammar, it is a little rough in places.
Great work, can not wait to read more of what you have to say.

what do you think about technology? Is it good, bad or both? Being on every digital devices very common now. I also find my self on the computer and watching tv. Its kinda funny cause if I had neither I would be doing other things like reading. What would you do if there was no technology?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Digital World

Every ones life is directly linked with the digital world, whether we admit it or not. In my personal view we are too connected to it. This has caused us to be unable to let it go. I can say that I would not give it up that easily but I know there is a time and place for everything. During the summer I went to Yosemite national park and it was beautiful. There is hiking, swimming and many other amazing things to do. I went with my family who lives in California and I usually only see them once a year so I was really excited to be spending time with them. The only problem was that Nichole (my cousin) who is one year older then me did not really want to be there. So for the whole time that we were there she was texting her friends 24/7. Being in the park and being close to nature I do not really see the need for technology. So i was a little sad while she was texting cause she was missing out on all the spectacular things that were there.

People are so immersed in the digital world that they can not live with out it. I think people let technology rule their life and during a black out they go all crazy cause they are not used to being without their digital counterparts. In this day and age you can not really go out and not see technology. I think that technology is a false realm where to many people steal themselves. They go around with their eyes on their keyboards and ears to phones that they let everything pass them by. I remember when I was little everyone had the game boy color. Then after a while they came out with all these new game stations and for my part I only had the game boy for most of my life. While everyone had the x-box, play station, game cube and the many other versions of game boy. I always remember thinking how cool it was that everyone else had those systems but for the most part growing p with out all those systems made me more active, instead of staying inside and playing video games I was outside and played in the sun. Then finally like 10 years later I got the wii. The wii is fun because I feel like it is more active then regular video games. It keeps you moving. Though to tell the truth I do not use it as much as i expected.