Monday, December 7, 2009

Informal research

"Cool (aesthetic)." Wikipedia. Web. .

Wikipedia goes into the various aspects of cool. Stating that "there is no one meaning of cool" the many aspects being described with cool are always in a constant change but there are a few broad categories in which most cool things fall into. They are cool as a behavioral characteristic, cool as a state of being,cool as aesthetic appeal. The timeline above shows when each thing become col not only in our culture but also Europe and Africa.

This article breaks cool down into more of a science where it is set to the standards that we as humans follow. Though in some parts the article could have expanded on coolness in different cultures. America and the Middle East had barely a paragraph where Europe and Africa had whole sections dedicated to them.

Rice, Jeff. "What is Cool? Notes on Intellectualism, Popular Culture, and Writing." CTHEORY. 10/05/2002. Web. 7 Dec 2009. .

This website article discusses different magazines and their views on what cool is. Weird magazine's piece on "The Phenomenon of Cool." The writer states that cool cannot be defined but the magazine gives examples of what is cool. It is presented that how can we truly understand what is cool if cool means nothing and everything at the same time. Taking a closer look at some of the magazines advertisement's, many digital ads were put in just the first couple of pages. Cool has become a huge way to market such digital devices.

The article does not seem to answer the question, what is cool? I do agree when the article said that cool is an addiction. If someone goes out to get they would be sure to be back the next day for the same thing. The article is also only focused on technology. None of the other things you would think of when you think of what is cool. It goes into depth about what different sources have to say about digital representation in the media and how it is being symbolized as cool.

BUEHLER, DOYLE. "You're not cool - I am. What is cool & finding the cool factor.." Fast company. 28 jul 2008. Web. 7 Dec 2009. .

In the article it is brought down to this formula of what makes someone cool: 5% aspiration + 95% self-perception + 10% public awareness + 46% individuality + 15% actions + 22% verbal + 99% what others think about you. Of course the author thinks of himself as cool and he argues that indeed we all think we ourselves are cool. He also mentions that cool has all to do with our own individual world. Everyone has different perspectives on cool and it has all to do with our own worlds.

I like this article because it is like the author is talking with you. He gives examples and explains all his views which when you come to think of it is the typical response to what is cool. He gives many good insights and he does not say you have to agree with him. It was very interesting and very laid back compared to the two previous ones which was nice.

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