Monday, December 21, 2009

Exploring Methods of M,M,C,A and Aggrandizing the Self

After history class on Friday waiting for English class to begin, Lieb was standing against the wall talking with her friends. After a quick look at her, Carrie and I decided to ask her about her outfit. Coming into class wearing clothes that are fit for going out late and looking for a party. Once asked why she wears what she does, she responded "cause I want to". "If your gonna wear something then you might as well wear something that looks nice". Thinking back in class, this is the typical answer. People would never admit that they might actually be doing the things they do just because they want attention. They do it for themselves and the reactions they get are just icing on the cake. Though I did talk to her about how most people usually do it to be cool. She looked at me like I was crazy and said "I don't look to get attention when I wear what I wear, it just makes me feel nice". Though I think somewhere she is actually doing it for the compliments and attention. If your gonna wear something it should be something that is nice, well there are certain times that its true but high heels, revealing tops and makeup are not so much something you would think someone would wear to school. But it has been recently something that has become a walkway. Wear the latest style, dress nice, have nice makeup.

Reflecting on the list we made in class and how it pertains to our lives I was afraid to admit that I might actually be doing some of those things. Though I was relived that there was actually few things that I do that aggrandize myself but of course I can just be lying to myself. One thing that I think is typical for most people is what they wear. I find myself thinking about what I might wear and not necessarily because I want to be cool (at least not the main reason) but just cause I feel comfortable in it and it is held with respect in manner of my friends. Only recently have I started to wear skinny jeans, and for me now they are comfortable but I would never have pictured myself wearing them. I still do wear jeans with flare on the bottom but not as much. I would say thats the only thing I do thats like conforming. I see the girls around me always wearing and applying makeup every period. I can say when I do wear makeup I feel pretty and see myself that way but I would not wear it on a regular basis. For me if I ever start that would be a wake up call. Like um Kate, what are you doing? Your not that type of person.
"All the world's a stage ..." Shakespeare. This is definitely true in my case. Something that I do to make myself seem cool or to aggrandize myself is to be a player on the stage. I take up roles that are specific with different people and certain experiences. Its all a game in a sense. People don't question it as long as you fit the "role" and make sure to not point out the manner in which they make themselves seem cool but to perhaps make subtle comments about it that boast their ego. Its easy for me to put on a mask and go through my life as a character. Its not like they are not false as well. They may not be characters but they are certainly following roles to make themselves cool. I do not know if I do it to be cool. I perhaps do it to fit in if there is even a difference. In a way it makes life a lot easier.
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
The way we go about our lives truly make them meaningless. All these ways we make ourselves seem better are nothing but lies that we are cloaking ourselves in. These lies seep into the soul where with most of them we excuse our behavior as "we do it cause we want to". Now you can not completely argue that some people are not in it for the association/ label. They do it for themselves and do not really care what people think of them. In certain aspects I would like to believe I fit in there somewhere. To my hobbies and taste in clothes, sports and etc.

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