Sunday, October 4, 2009

texting while driving

The one thing that bothers me recently is when people text when they are driving. Its like they can not go without being on their phone or not talking with people for the duration of their ride in the car. This has caused many problems because people text while driving they are not paying attention to the road and have caused many accidents.
This article discusses the problems of texting while driving but also that perhaps the messages they are sending out are way to graphic. That perhaps some of the videos are showing images that are unnecessary or are to much, like they are exaggerated to prove a point. These videos are not being viewed in America and to see them on you tube, you have to be over 18 but instead are being showed in Whales. "Currently, 17 states and the District of Columbia have laws on the books that ban texting while driving, and it appears the issue is soon to get even more government attention." Though some law makers are worried that these laws may not be taken seriously for some time.

I feel like it is peoples right to know how the use of texting while driving can be detrimental to themselves and everyone around them. I feel that videos that show the outcomes of such behaviors should be shown to the public because maybe more people would take it seriously if they could see first hand what happens when people text while driving.
Text messaging while driving is becoming a more serious problem. Not only is it occurring more often but not that many people are taking it seriously. They figure whats the harm of doing it while I'm sitting in traffic but in truth it is never alright for anyone to be texting while driving. "with 37 percent of people age 18 to 27 saying they text message while driving". While "In 17 states including the District of Columbia, young or inexperienced drivers are banned from using cell phones, even using a hands-free kit, with emergency calls exempted".

I feel like more people should take this problem more seriusly and that more rules and regulations shoud be put up. Why just restrict unexperinced or young drivers? Who says that grwonups are not going to mae the same mistakes as those who are younger? I feel like only a certain amount of people would actually tell the truth in surveys that ask if people text while they drive.
"According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, distracted drivers account for almost 80% of all crashes and 65% ofText Messaging While Driving - a Growing National Concern near-crashes in the United States." The article talks about many studies and is only focusing on teens. I feel like they could have gone more in depth with the problem and not only giving statistics.

I feel like the media is only paying attention to the Teens that drive. I do believe that is possible that Teens are the lead cause but that does not mean other people that are older wont be doing the same thing. Just because they might think that because they are older they think they are more experinced but that just gives them a big head and then they wont be realy paying attention to what they are doing.

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