Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Experiment with Digitalization

Ok, so right off the bat I would like to say that the experiment I had implemented did not go according to plan. I was going to go on my computer only for home work and once I was done I would get off and do other things that were not digital. But most things in life never go as we plan. For starters by the end of the night I had spent the whole time on the computer instead of just for a little while. I had like 6 conversations going on on aim and since i have an old version they each had separate box's. So all the box's on top of my screen were all school related since I was having trouble with the physics home work. I had 3 people helping me and one person asking for my help. Then the two box's on the bottom of my screen were all personal non school related topics. So for the most part I was overwhelmed with IMs going off everywhere and going from box to box. In all of this I got very few things done. I only managed to finish my English paper because I had started before all the chaos began. After that i got half way though my science and had some mixed thoughts and feelings about the things being said on the bottom of the screen. All in all, after I finally signed off cause I had enough, It was really quiet. I also had a headache form all the things that were going on at once. Kinda like 6 people talking to you at once and you have to sit and get to each one of them, the only problem was once you answered one person and were moving on to the next, that person just responded back to you. At the end I decided to lay down and listen to some music so I could get all the thoughts into coherent images and understandings. So for my experiment of only going on the computer for homework, it turned out to be the biggest use of aim I have ever had in collaboration with doing my homework.

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