Sunday, March 7, 2010

Journaling about school

I think my earliest memories of school was going to the petting zoo with my class and we had so much fun getting to pet the chickens and cows. I remember having my best friend with me, cause we lived in the same building and we went to the same school, so for the first day it was great cause we both already knew each other. I also remember getting to know Yan, who was very shy but I went over to her anyway and after that we were the best of friends. Unfortunately most of my memories of school are not so much the things I had learned but the people I met. Although I do remember one thing from science where we were learning about plants and we would always do this fun activity to keep the stages of photosynthesis in mind. I also remember during my 3rd grade year we had a class pet and all the other classes were jealous. We got to name him Sebastian and even got to pick him out. O I remember when U got into middle school a lot of my friends would say that they had dance class at their school or something and I never had that but we did have cooking. One time, chef's came to our school and taught us how to cook and make salads and we actually held a restaurant in our lunch room and waited on our parents. I think now more then before I am actually enjoying what I am learning but I do miss all the creative classes I used to have in elementary school like acting, music, art, gym. We even had a huge play ground and basket ball courts where after lunch we had time to play in. I used to miss that the most when I got into middle school.
The first memory of middle school was everyone meeting up in the gym and we did all these fun activities to get to know each other. There were only 3 people from my old school but I remember everyone else had tons of people they knew. And that as the year went by those people dropped out of SOF. So I basically started over fresh with new people. Now looking back on it, its funny to me how many people we go through along the way. So many different friends that aren't there anymore. But that sometimes thats what has to happen for the new ones to come in. I think well for me as i got older school wasnt just about learning anymore, it was also about being with friends.

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