Thursday, March 4, 2010

42: extra insights after research

Do school's help in the development of social skills better then that of home schooling? It is in fact the opposite way around. Many have always argued that kids that are home schooled are deprived of mixing in with kids their own age which makes them socially awkward around many other people. But it is in fact found that regular schooling is the one that is bad for kids social skills being around kids their same age.

The social aspect of school for me is important in my own life. I think for the most part if it were not for school I would not have the many friends that I do today. It has helped me meet new people and has taught me many things. For me being shy has always seemed like a disadvantage because I did not talk a lot and some times am over looked. But being around my friends and watching them (oddly I have a lot of loud friends) I dont always seem to nervous talking with other people. This was my first thoughts going into my project but after researching it I felt like I got a better understanding of my views on the topic even if some of them remained the same. I was figured that kids who were home schooled, had missed out on a lot because they werent always around many kids and must seem lonely. I learned though that it is the opposite. Home schooled kids are actually more adequate to socialize not just with other kids their age but adults because they have learned respect. Often times you always hear kids talking back to their teachers in school or not respecting them, by always talking and disrupting the class. This effects the other students learning and makes it hard to figure out whats the right thing to do and act. There will always be more peer pressure on kids that go to school, because they have so many influences and the need to fit in far outways anything else. Home schooled kids are freed from these pressures. They don't have to worry about not fitting in and impressing other people. they also dont have to worry about other kids bothering their learning. They also I bet, get out more and see the world then kids that go to school. They grow and learn in much more of an open environment then we do. These outings and visits help them interact with many new people. I think i agree with this, but my understanding of home schooling will always on the side that regular school is not so much better but at least for me the more comfortable match. I think with home schooling I would always wish I go to school and got to hang with people and make friends with kids my own age. I think either or, the kid would want the other not really knowing which one would be better.
Both school and home schooling are great ways for kids to learn both social skills and other many lessons. But I think the same questions we got about school would still fall under home schooling. Is home schooling the best? What gets taught at home? Should the kids get to pick? Some of the same we asked about regular school.

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