Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The cool pose and various approaches to life rooted in class, race, gender, age, etc.

Cool consists of either many minor or major changes in a persons life, whether it be physical or just how they act. As there are many variations of cool these definitions have many more places where they fit in such as certain groups may think something is cool while other groups may agree and other groups will disagree. Growing up in our society and living in many different groups such as family, friends, school, work, etc. there are many variations that one person may have on what is cool. Being cool is to fit in. If you want to be in a particular group or you want your friends to give you attention and you want them to think you're cool then you will most likely give into their perception of cool is. Forsaking any other moral training you might have learned and embodying the new cool. Most of the time the group cool and society's cool go hand in hand. Society has always been behind the shadows when giving us subliminal messages on what is cool and how we should act to be cool. Of course there are many versions that get put out according to all the marketing teams competing for our business. But often times our maps are written by the very same hand that runs everything from the back. We may know this and often think that perhaps this road may not be the very best and when we compare maps and they are similar or not the same but we want them to match up we go out of our way and disregard the old maps to try to fit in better with our peers and our culture.

Just like the many black boys. Cool is not going to school and getting good grades to get into college. It's going out and having a fun time, often skipping even school and forgoing the books for play and girls. Their social maps were constructed during their childhood and often there is no other doubt in their mind that they are the ones doing something wrong or that because they choose it it is their fault. Our maps are more then just our story and background, they are what defines us, what social constructor is laid out in front of us, almost as if our whole story is written there with out having lived it all yet. Skipping school, they will fail high school and not get into college where they will spend most of their days in jail or working low income jobs. This is the life that was set out for them, their maps tell them no other way. Where as Asian maps will seem every different. There full of good grades, getting into college and having high end jobs. They would never think to skip school or to fail a class. Neither of those are on their maps and so are unthinkable. Two different ethnicity's, two very different maps. Yet the maps of the children vary against that of their parents. Their parents having grown up not in America have very different senses of what is right and what is socially acceptable. The children growing up in America get a different taste of what things are like and so often clash around what their parents think. There is often much balance between the two different worlds.

But how can we choose something different for us if everything has already been mapped out for us? Is it so easy to just throw way your map and get a new one, or do we need to find hidden roads which slowly but surely lead us into a different path that will wind up being better for us or what is said in a different culture. So often we confuse these foot paths and swear they lead in directions they really don't go to. Whether its for the girl who wants a tattoo because her best friend has one or its for the boy who wants expensive shoes to fit in with his friends. We trick our maps to lead in these directions or forge our own roads to lead us into the conclusion we want. And often these tiny expeditions are because we have set out to become cool. And often the very idea of cool are those who have set out to create new maps for themselves. Its something new and unexpected. No one really thinks to question the ideas that have been dominant for over centuries. But those who do and go out and create new maps are looked up to as someone who takes risks and that appeals to the cool variation of being a rebel. But often times we ourselves would look on in wonderment but never think twice about the hand we are dealt. We go on with our lives and often check to make sure it leads to where we want to go but other then that we leave it well alone.

1 comment:

  1. Kate

    Here's a rewrite/edit you could choose to use of your main idea. (...Its an okayyy edit, only use it if you really want to.)

    Cool is a mask we wrap around ourselves that hides our true self, a charade we must constantly play, with the risk of discovery of the fallacy of our acts. The performer hopes the audience sitting and watching don't rip apart their carefully created facades least they be charged as inauthentic. We have become products of ourselves. We choose to transform our selves into this image of cool. The only trouble is that cool is forever changing and means something different to each group and person. The definition is as forever changing as the wind. So to keep up with the constant shift, many roles and acts are played through out our lifetime. “And one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages” (Shakespeare). But why do we need these masks? Why bother trying to be cool and to fit certain aspects of what society wants us to be? This can be contributed to the fact that we try to cover up the hole we feel inside of us. We are all a little bit empty inside and instead of acknowledging this fact we try to fill the void (our lives) with meaningless attributes. People play roles to fit in, fit in to become cool,become cool get attention which all plays as distractions from what is really missing in our lives.

    You have a lot of great details and topics in your post. There's alot of good stuff to go on for a first draft. I think since you have alot of topics, to try to connect them all to each other so it relates, so your not jumping, or title each different topic so its like a minichapter to introduce your new topic (haha jia min's did that so I think it might be helpful, I'm planning on using that too :)).

    I think you should connect the henna idea back to the thesis because its mainly talking about profit maybe you can relate it to consumerism and how that feeds of of the emptiness people are trying to cover up. I agree with Sam about having the emptiness feeling together with your other topics since your topic seems to be talking about how cool is a mask that we use to cover up that feeling.
