Wednesday, January 20, 2010

36- response on partners rough drafts


I love your opening paragraph. It is very interesting and it sums up everything we have spoken about in a clear and intriguing language. "That is why our versions of cool will have certain differences and similarities because they come from these sources, some that we share, and some that we don’t." This is very true. Many people have different influences and yet they probably run along the same path once in a while. Just cause we all grow up with different families does not mean that out culture maps would be different since the place we live in and the society still has a part in shaping us.

I think its kind of sad that everything we think we have free will on (and our independence) turns out to be something that someone else has written for us. "Who we actually want to be comes from cues from our social environments, which is shaped by our status, gender, nationality, culture, and many other factors." We think that what we decide for ourselves is something that comes from inside of us. When in reality it is something cued in our cultural maps. This also relates with your other point about we are more open to some things then others. Depending on what our cultural map entails we feel more open minded to the things that are similar to our maps then something drastically different.

I wonder if you think something is cool that is drastically out of your cultural map means your breaking out of your cultural map or your cultural map is just like that, its ok to think something is cool that is not in your cultural map.

"That is so I know that just because this is how someone sees me as; it isn’t what I have to be. " I like that. Most people start to feel that the character/ role they play is the real them. But you know that even though certain people see you in a certain light you know that you dont have to become that one person, because you might be something different. I feel like you might want to expand on this idea because its a very good point and evidence putting yourself into the paper. especially since you have good ideas on how acts are.

I like how your overall paper is concise, everything flows together and is not all random stuff fit together with out any meaning. I also think you should find another way to close your paper. Just maybe going back and restating your thesis. Good start, cant wait to read the final paper.

Jia Min

I love your post. I also like how you added pictures in your post. I particularly love the picture with the mask. I think before reading it, our themes will be similar. The second picture I like is the one with the two people and the one person has the big heart and is blaming the other person for it. I think this is a very creative way to express what you are arguing in the paper.

I think its interesting how you say our outer self shows our real self and the faces we created. But I wonder if we lose our real self due to the many faces created from observations and if in reality the faces are our real self. Saying after a while the idea/ role becomes our real self since we are forever playing roles and rarely playing ourselves.

Do you think people want tattoos is because they want other people to comment on them? It could just be one more way someone tries to get attention. It's kind of like the hair connection, its personal and private at the same time its public. The owner of the tattoo knows the meaning and it's probably only important to them but other people can view it and admire them. I'm not sure if this is the reason behind all tattoos though i figure giving some thought to that.

Just as a simple reminder, you may want someone to go over your post so that they can catch any grammatical errors you have.

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