Monday, April 12, 2010

Treatment for Savior/ Teacher movie

scene 1

Camera pans over the front of the school where kids are just hanging out in groups then goes across the street (far off then zooms in) to the students (seniors) that are across the street hanging out but have more of an i dont care attitude. FInally someone tells the groups of kids on both sides to leave and they all go in a huff towards the school, mumbling that school is a drag.

Scene 2

Cut to the class room where the students are scattered around the room, some sitting in chairs while others are on desks or just standing against the wall. Most of the kids pay no mind when the door opens and a hippie looking english teacher walks in. He walks up to the front of the class room and calls for everyone's attention. Just as he is about to take attendance, two kids come in holding hands. The whole class room buzzs and is making loud kissy noises at the couple. The girl walks to her seat feeling embarrassed while the guy walks to his friends and gets high fives. The teacher coughs and tries to get the kids back into focus. He then proceeds to give an overview of what his class will be like and as he goes on the kids remain silent but pay little attention to him. As he is about to give a quiz to see what the students know, the fire alarm goes off and the kids make a hasty get away feeling relieved for once the stupid firedrill came in handy.

Scene 3

The camera follows the teacher into the small "teacher lounge" which just happens to be in the back of the supplies and office spaces. He pours himself a cup of coffee and takes a sip. He makes a face as he forces it down. Thinking to himself, (is this the best decision that I made?) He pours the coffee out and jumps with a start at a female voice.( Hey, Someone should have warned you about the coffee. Its the worst possible thing, everyone usually just goes to the corner store and gets it there). She gives him a smile as she makes her way over to a chair. He follows her over and he starts to go over what he hopes to get from his class. At the end of his speech she laughs and tells him that the kids that are in his class arent capable of learning or hoping to understand any of what materials he wants to teach. He thinks to himself (now i know this was a mistake coming here. Out of all the things I could have picked I had to pick teaching) He thanks the teacher and gets up to leave.

Scene 4

Camera cuts into the class room where the teacher is trying new methods to reach out to his students. The chairs are in a circle and everyone seems a little more comfortable with the open environment. He begins to talk to the students that starting today the room design will stay this way and that after readings the class will have open discussions on everyones views. Half the class moans while the others are betting on how long this teacher will last. The camera pans into one section of the circle where there are a group sitting and they seem glad for this change in teaching and look forward to the new term. Though after a couple of glares from the rest of the class, they all busy themselves with whatever is closest to them.

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