Monday, February 22, 2010

Reasearch on schools

White, David Aaron. "Teen Views: Why is school important?"
This article is a written essay on one teens view on why school is important. He knows that school is such a drag going into how "It's annoying, it's boring". But then he argues the fact that if your parents are forcing you to go then it must be important. The first real argument given was the fact that knowledge is power. It helps you a great deal in life, from learning the different subjects in school helps you become more successful. The second argument is the fact that it helps you get into college, but then he also gives the answer to why college. He says that is to become more successful in life and getting a job to provide for yourself and your family. The other big thing about school he argues is besides the education it is a great way to create a social life. Most of the people you meet at school you will know and some will even become your friends and from their you have the opportunity to keep them though out your life. He also goes int the point that Henry had made, school gives you something to do during the day.
This article is probably not as professional as other sources you can find but I figure that it is in the point of view of a teenager, someone who has experienced all of what we are going through and has first hand knowledge. He can better relate to young readers who go to school rather then some older people who write long articles and essays about this topic. Not saying that the essay would not be full of knowledge it would just be kind of distant then what this article has written.

Barell, John. "Critical Issues: Working Toward Student Self-Direction and Personal Efficacy as Educational Goals"
This critical issue summary begins to deal with the problem that learning has become much in the way of dependency, where the students are dependent on the teachers to learn something. Students have begun to have "passivity and a "tell me what to do and think" attitude". One point that is talked about is the characteristics of students who are responsible for their own learning. One characteristic is that a student is able to direct and manage change that as people we are responsible for our own lives. Teachers figured that to help students create skills like these they would provide opportunities where students can try to figure out their own learning. But it is still governed by the teachers. They over see the learning and direct kids into the direction of becoming independent where they can answer questions on their own. specific ways to do this is for the students to create goals and to create ways to achieve these goals. Some problems foreseen was that teachers may not be so willing to share control. Most of the time the students are learning from the teacher, where as with these methods, learning is shared both ways, the student also gets to teach.
This summary is a little more formal then the first one. It cites all it's information and is written so its easy to follow. There are also teachers and professors who have given their experiences and known facts in this article. Though in this case it is not solely based on opinion like the first one. There have actually been studies and many links to more facts and ideas about the methods given. It is also an interesting article and has many interesting ideas. While I was reading this, I also noticed many common factors in how SOF deals with teaching things.

"Why does School exist?"
This article answers the question why does school exist? It goes into the very basic answer of because it helps you be successful. It also gives a little history about how in the past you worked a lot and you didnt have as many skills so your parents would hope someone would teach you, rather then going to school and learning a whole lot.
This passage is short and not quite as detailed. But it does bring up a point many would not have thought of when talking about what it used to be like. The answer is also very basic and you can get it from the first couple of lines, but it is new information and different examples from the first one. It is also a light read, which is better then all those long articles that hardly have a point or just ramble on and you get confused by the end.

"Social aspects of home education"
This article outlines home schooling. In a very brief introduction, the article talks about how home schooled kids are better academically then kids that go to regular school. Then it proceeds to answer to questions that address socializing, Do home educated students have trouble socializing? and What do we mean by social skills? Then proceed to answer the questions in two paragraphs each. It argues that kids at home school though many people would disagree are quite adaptable with socializing just like the many students that go to schools.
This article is good but somewhat brief. It does not go into specific examples and long arguments for the answers to the two questions. But it does propose good sufficient answers that are just as good as long and detailed ones are. It is also an easy read because it is not too long. But I would call this source an opener, you would use it to search out ideas to research on a much bigger scale to find other more longer sources that may have more detailed reasoning.

ROBERTSON, CAMPBELL. "Judge Grants Asylum To German Home Schoolers ." New York Times 28 feb 2010, Print.
This article talks about a German family who came to America after seeking asylum for home schooling. It goes into the fact that Germany does not allow anyone to be home schooled and talks about the different reasons to why they think so and why regular school is more important and better for students. The family heard about another family that had come to America seeking asylum from the German Government who has rules and regulations on home schooling. The parents also discuss why they decided to go to America and start home schooling.
This article is the longest out of all the others but stuff gives the same amount of information. There is also a lot more evidence in this article then people's opinions in the others. It is also interesting to see the views on the parents and the German Government about home schooling. There was also a section in there that mentioned the social aspects of school and how in this sense it was actually a bad thing. This is the first source to mention that home schooling does not deprive the student of anything and rather schooling is more of a problem for kids social skills.

Shaw, Isabel. "Social Skills and Home schooling: Myths and Facts".
This article focus' on the debate many people seem to have over the question does home schooling effect a kids social skills. The articles view is that home schooling does no such thing and goes into pointing out what is wrong about the myth of home schooling which is that home schooled kids are isolated for the whole day that they learn. It goes into some more points about how in fact regular school is actually not the best place for a kid. Then it lists some research that has been done and what it proves. At the end it gives sources to parents who are considering home schooling that can help them make the best decision.
This source is also very good. Unlike the New York Times who briefly mentions my focus point, this is all about the battle going on. Though it basically is a longer version of what had been said in the Times article. But it provides actually studies which is great and has more good points going against the schools which has been said but goes into detail about home schooling itself and why it goes against the myth that kids are isolated and that they actually learn and socialize better.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

School interviews and synthesis

Interview with my mom:

What major ways has education contributed to your life now and do you think they are important?
Well, I think it has broadened my thinking. It has given me skills that I use on the job. It has given me a love of learning which I think is important, always. It is all important because it has helped me get a good job and a wonderful career in HR. My new career now, teaching at the garden. But I think more importantly it has helped me be more broad minded and aware of whats going on the world and how things effect my life personally that might be global issues like the environment, politics, etc. i think just overall a good education helps you decide what your values are and what's important to you in life and what kind of life you want to lead.

How do you feel with having no control over anything in school and having everything decided for you, from your schedule to what you learn?
I feel that, I don't think that is an appropriate way to teach. I'm more of an inquiry based learner and teacher where students direct themselves towards the kind of things they would like to learn and what they are curious about. I think teachers should provide the infrastructure and guidance but learning has to be self motivated.

Can you create an argument for or against the idea that school is like a machine which conquers and puppeteers a population?
Well, I don't believe that school in the pure sense is a machine which conquers and puppeteers a population. I think it can be abused to those ends like the third Reich in Germany that taught students values they should uphold for the good of the government. However, generally I think that education is to better civilization. it's a sharing of ideas and skills to ensure that we continue to be the best we can be. Education should be about each of us being curious and learning and sharing.

When you were in school how was the social aspect? and in your life today do you still see the same behaviors from people?
In school I think that those that had common interests drifted together to socialize. the dynamic is very social in High school and to be cool and it's risky to go out of those social groups. So for me in school i socialized with my sports team and those students that i felt comfortable with. i knew all the other students because it was a small high school and it was an all girls school. I'd say there were smart kids groups and cool kids and generally all the groups socialized separately. I do remember some tough nasty girls that most of us steered clear of. during college i worked and lived at home. i didn't socialize with my fellow college students at all. i had neighborhood friends i hung out with.

as a working adult, i had groups of friends.... friends from work, old friends and friends i met thru different groups. sometimes the groups would cross, but i generally kept them separate. At work which i think is a lot like school in that there were coworkers that were favored by the boss, those that could be very cut throat that you had to watch your back, the political people who always seemed to know what to do and knew what was going on behind the scenes. Generally, I gravitated toward those people i could trust, had a mutual respect for and collaborated well with.

How has your views about school changed since you went?
well when i was in school, it was dreadful. so much memorizing, boring lessons. i really didn't like school at all and i hated to read. but by 8th grade it all of a sudden got social and interesting. high school was better because i was involved in different clubs and teams and it seemed to make the learning more enjoyable. college was even better because i got to choose the courses i was interested in. but all in all now i think that most educational institutions have a better handle on how to inspire kids and adults to get the most out of learning. so much more hands on and enjoyable now than when i was in school.

Interview with Kevin (Mom's Friend)

What major ways has education contributed to your life now and do you think they are important?
The obvious contribution would be knowledge - but just as important would be social skills and confidence. The ability to relate to all sorts of people and a confident attitude in the workplace has been invaluable in my profession.

How do you feel with having no control over anything in school and having everything decided for you, from your schedule to what you learn?
I wouldn't have taken much interest in deciding my schedule or the courses I took. As a matter of fact, I did much better as a student in grammar school and high school - when I had no choice in either. When I did have the ability to decide for myself in college - it didn't work out for me at all. I was someone who needed things laid out for me.

Can you create an argument for or against the idea that school is like a machine which conquers and puppeteers a population?
I think it was a bit different when I attended school. I was a product of a Catholic school education in the early 60's. For the most part, you weren't taught to think for yourself, but to "toe the company line", so to speak. The more you DIDN'T stand out - the better. There were a few teachers who definitely encouraged the individual to emerge, but for the most part it was better to just sort of fit in. Nowadays, from what I see - education and the attitude of the teachers encourages individuality in a way I never experienced.

When you were in school how was the social aspect? and in your life today do you still see the same behaviors from people?
When I was in school there were definitely different "groups" - the popular kids, the not so popular, the athletes, etc. During school, we didn't have much of a choice who we attended class with, but we spent most of our after school hours within our respective groups - and that was pretty much our entire social life. I don't think this translates to the workplace - you really have to work and socialize with many people who you probably wouldn't if it weren't for the job. As far as I can see with kids
in school today, the "clique" thing still remains - probably always will.

How has your views about school changed since you went?
As a parent, you realize that education is incredibly important - and do whatever you can to make sure your child gets the best possible. When I went to school, I don't think our parents really spent as much time worrying about our education - just that we went to class, got decent grades ... and after high school either got a job or went to the cheapest college we could find. That was CERTAINLY not my attitude with my son's education - nor with most parents that I know. I think most of us now understand the importance of a good education and what kind of life in can lead too.

Interview with myself:

What major ways has education contributed to your life now and do you think they are important?
Education as my mother has said has given me excellent thinking abilities. School is the perfect environment to broaden people's minds. But I do realize that it is not always the case. School has both the potential to help thinking and to hamper with it. I think that most of the classes gave me a general education with knowledge that I would use in my life. But Andy's class really stimulates thinking. Not only that you actually get taught about life and the things you learn and discover for yourself you will keep with you throughout your entire life. Now I think that is important. People should learn about hoe the world works and from that create ideas about it on your own and not believe the ones people try to give you.

How do you feel with having no control over anything in school and having everything decided for you, from your schedule to what you learn?
Often at times I am torn between two answers. I think it is bad that students do not have the opportunity to choose topics of interest to them and actually learn something that they are interested in. But this also has a fault. Who is to say when we are old enough to make these decisions for ourselves and who is to say that the subject matter we choose will actually be beneficial to our learning and growing up in the world. I think there are certain aspects of school which should be decided by others though it pains me to say it. Teachers and higher ups are there for a reason and that is to create courses that will help us as we grow older. I think it is up to the teachers to give leniency to their students and learn what the students are interested in. In terms of my interest like art and just being creative and active I feel like the school system has failed. As we grow older and move up in school, there is less time given to art and gym and more for those core classes.

Can you create an argument for or against the idea that school is like a machine which conquers and puppeteers a population?
Even though I like this question I would say it may be the hardest for me to answer. Not that I do not have an answer it is just hard to formulate it all into an argument. Well I would say that school is a machine which uses students as putty and shapes them into "civilized" citizens. School is like a breeding ground. Students come to learn and the school sets certain curriculum for them. These subjects and topics are pre-approved. Something like our government. It spits out lies every now and then and school is a way where they can easily fit them in with out any of us knowing the difference. Free thinking is approved but how often are we actually thinking for ourselves and coming to new ideas.

Part B:
I found what my mother said was interesting how a "good education helps you decide what your values are and what's important to you in life and what kind of life you want to lead". I figure most of what she said is true. But I think it is not only based on a good education, school is so much more. I find that the people you meet in school such as your teachers and class mates help you figure what your values are. These people also help in finding what's important to you and to know what kind of life you want to live. There are so many options and we all come into school thinking about a certain career that we would love to be in. And truthfully i doubt most of us will wind up in that job or if even by the end of the day we still want to be it. School subjects help us decide what we like to learn and in doing so create a good field for us to know what other options are out there.

Monday, February 8, 2010

First thoughts on school


1) How do schools control/ discipline students? Are the students even aware that they are being controlled?
2) Do school's actually help develop our thinking or does it hinder it? (somewhat rephrased from what Carrie said)
3) Why is it that students create personal masks and roles while in social scenes such as school?


1) Actually getting to know the teachers after school is over and having a good time because of common interests. Hanging out after school in the teachers rooms and playing cards, talking, ect.
2) Having part of your mind on school and whats going on in the classes and what we are learning but the other half focusing on social aspects, like friend dramas. It's kind of hard balancing the two together, usually for me one wins over the other unless I have a good handle on it.
3) Actually learning and enjoying school. Usually its boring and everyone is tired and we just copy off the board onto our notebooks without really learning anything. But there are times where the class' get interactive and its enjoyable to learn and the students actually learn something. This year in science is very fun because the course is more interactive and we actually get to be hands on, Andy's class is also good because we often to go the roof, break out of the class room setting and sit as equals in a circle sharing our ideas.


During Friday's class Beatrice had a good theory about how high school is like a big kid day care center. I find this very interesting, in a way connecting to Rachel's idea that school is like a breeding ground. "The government uses schools to civilize us"(Rachel). Most of our lives we either in schools or office buildings. All a way to keep us as they want us. They send us to school where we learn a set curriculum and they hope we go into office jobs. Forever living in a box and being pent up like animals. This would not be the first idea you would think of when you think of school. You would usually think of a place that gives you a great chance at a good education. Yet there is not much choice in it. School for children and young adults is not optional going back to Rachel's idea. School stops kids from running wild in the streets. Though if there wasn't any school, many kids would not know what to do. There is not much for kids to do in the real world. We can not get jobs, we can not live on our own with out a source of income. Playing video games and spending times with friends may seem like a very good idea but after a while doing that day after day will get boring.

I remember one day I was upset because I was fighting with one of my friends. I came into school upset and through most of the day I could not concentrate with other things. I also noticed subjects like math and science made my mood worse because when I didnt't get something it got me more frustrated. I guess the funny thing was recently it was happening more often because once we solved a problem another one came back up, it was like we were going in circles. School did no pose much of a distraction because we often saw each others in the hall way and it was either she was ignoring me or I was ignoring her. But english class and history class were nice because it was a break from writing off the board and actually get to talk about ideas and less formal in a way.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cool Video

The Cool Fool from Sandy G. on Vimeo.

1. I think based on our video we have no set definition of cool and the video turned out to be more of a way to find out what is cool. We search for it with out giving much of a concrete definition.  There are certain instances in our video where there are the cool moments and also some of it where we show what is not cool. Such as in the cafeteria, Andy walked by and no one noticed him and when we put the loser sign on him. But During gym he was cool when right before Rachel's interview he walks away from the ball and it so happens that both John and Adam follow his lead.  I would want people to take from our video that there is no definition of cool and trying to go out and find it and try to be it is a waste of time. During our search we had a whole lot of fun and I think thats the thing most people miss with their lives when they try to follow a script and be cool. 

2. First of all let me tell you when we started this video we would have never thought that what we wound up with was what we were going to get. In the beginning we were going to do 2 scenarios where the main character is cool and you get to see how people perceive him and why they think he is cool and then the same scene but in this one the main character is uncool with again commentary from the same people and how they thought he was uncool. In the video we kept the commentary but it turned out the scenes we had pictured did not work out as we wanted so instead we had two completely different scenes but the same idea, in one there was a cool person and in the other there is an uncool person. I think the bloopers are the best part of the video. They are like behind the scenes but they also connect with cool, and our attempt to find cool.

3. I think making art is very cool. I love to make art and I love to see what other people can do when they do the many different forms of art. Its such a beautiful way to express ourselves and to express how we see the world. I wish the schools would have art and music and other ways that we can express ourselves as classes instead of having it just as an elective where you may not possibly get in.